Manifestation Coaching Programs

Programs Sold Separately:

Weekly 1-on-1 Coaching 30 Minute Sessions for 12 months ($19,997 value)

Monthly Group Coaching Sessions for 12 Months ($9,997 value)

Full-Access to Private Community Support Group for 12 Months ($1,947 value)

The Manifestation Accelerator Program for 12 Months ($2,779 value)

The Whole Program for:

$10,000 for the 12 months paid in full.


  • If the CLIENT is provided and enrolls in a payment plan option, the total fee will be increased as follows: 

  • If paying in (4) monthly payments, the total will be $2,750 per month, billed every 30 days from the first payment date.

In this case, the total fee is $11,000 USD.

  • If paying in (12) monthly payments, the total will be $1,000 per month, billed every 30 days from the first payment date.

In this case, the total fee is $12,000 USD.

Contact Backstop Coaching today at 720-319-7176 to schedule a consultation or to inquire about our Manifestation Coaching Programs.

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